Production Support
- Quality Fingerlings: We produce and supply high-quality African Catfish and Male Tilapia fingerlings, which are crucial for successful fish farming. This ensures that farmers have access to healthy stock for their operations
- Fish Feed Supply: We sell various types of fish feed, including larval, starter, and grow-out feeds, which are essential for the growth and health of farmed fish
Market Linkages
- Connecting Farmers to viable Markets: We assist in linking fish farmers to potential markets, helping them sell their products effectively. This includes providing insights into market trends and consumer preference
Raising Freshness, Feeding the Future
Community Engagement
Workshops and Demonstrations: Regular workshops and practical demonstrations are organized to engage the local community. This include working with aquaparks ( Siunga aquapark, Kamarnyang aquapark among others) youths groups (Simba chai agro-dealers youth group, Amukura Fish Munga Youth group, Muluanda youth group) and women groups. These events encourage knowledge sharing among farmers and promote best practices.